VISA & PASS | PUTRA International Centre (i-PUTRA)



Provide first class services to the international community regarding travel, visa and passport matters

1. Provide first class services related to visas and passes
2. Strengthen the management of complaints from the International community about Visas and Passes
3. Improvement of visa and pass documentation
4. Increase i-PUTRA's source of income from international student visa management fees

This site was made to give information to international students at University Putra Malaysia....more...
The Student Pass is a document issued by the Malaysian immigration department to a non-citizen to...more...
  The Student Pass is a document issued by the Malaysian immigration department to a...more...
Dependent pass is a facility provided to students who carry responsibility while continuing their...more...
Special pass is facilities provided to students and dependents to avoid overstay....more...
Transfer sticker is the process of transferring the valid current pass from the old passport to the...more...